Life is a camera, Face it with a smile
A smile is like saying hello without any words.

Monday, 10 January 2011


It's been a long time since I wrote me last blog. And I've learnt a lot in the midst.

I've learnt that I am very ignorant of the world. I don't know many things. Experience working wiht a team in an intensive atmosphere has taught me so much about myself, and how inadequate I am in dealing with others, and that has nothing to do with who I am, and the fact I am different from others. I was always under the misconception that I was bright, but this was basked in the ignorance of interacting with selected people.

I also, for the first time in my life, submitted an assignment, and that, too, not any assignment, but something we, as a team have been working on all Summer. 3 months of work accumulated together still could not be finished by a deadline that we knew for 7months. The experience of submitting an assignment late is very new. But it taught me about the art of perfection, something that I'd lost along the way. I would always submit an essay earlier/on time, rather than face the tension of an approaching deadline, and not meeting it. What I felt today, was the height of adrenaline, as the clock ticked past and the deadline passed. But I saw and discovered a talent that I had lost. Something, I had as a child. The skill of perfection. I saw it in my teammates and I knew this was the lesson, this was why I was to endure the experience.

I also learnt in these last few days, about a recurring theme in my life. All my really close friends in my life have been close to their mothers. Surely, this is not an accident. Was this God's way of teaching me a lesson? And I just keep failing to learn it.