Life is a camera, Face it with a smile
A smile is like saying hello without any words.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Why say 'sorry' when you don't need to?

I haven't blogged in ages. Perhaps full time work got the better of me. Or living out of home, got me occupied.

Anyways, I have a message to convey. This is why I am now blogging.

This morning, I walked into my boss's office. As I always do, when interrupting my extremely busy boss, I said 'Sorry [boss's name], can I speak to you'. My boss stopped me and said, 'you do not need to apologise to speak to me. Just say my name and ask if you can speak'.

I agreed. But I also reflected on it. As a person, I probably apologise and say sorry way too often. If someone says excuseme, I would reply 'sorry', and then move out of the way. If some one told me to do something differently, I would say 'sorry', and follow their instructions.

In many social circumstances, by way of politeness we have accustomed ourselves to say sorry. It is actually not necessary. By apologising, we are agreeing that we are in the wrong and conveying our repentence for a past action.

Thinking about it, why on earth would I apologise to my boss to ask her something, when I have to do it anyway. Am I apologising for the interruption, but I am not really sorry.

When we overuse a word, the word loses its significance. One such word is "sorry". Use it sparingly but at the right occasions. It and you will be valued more.

Apologise only when you truly mean it and need it. There are other words in the English vocab.