Life is a camera, Face it with a smile
A smile is like saying hello without any words.

Friday 14 December 2007


The festive season is here. Stars are hanging from signals. Lights shimmering in houses. To top it all off the sun is blazing.

Shopping centres are crowded, clattered with the usual assortment of useful and unnecessary gifts. This just makes things highly complicated when your looking for a gift for ten little, actually maybe not little, young children. There's so many choices. Should I buy them all the same? Are they actually young enough to play with toys, or are toys too good for them these days. I was shocked to see a barbie doll for $2, back in our days, man I'm pretty sure they were more expensive..It must have been or my parents would have bought it for me. hmm...These days kids, are either on the X-box or anything more latest. I feel so old to say I grew up with no nintendo, computer games, maybe just the rare video game and that was a treat! Whatever happened to the good old days. Hmm...Anyways back to my shopping expedition. After 3hours roaming shop after shop, (I'm girl and wouldn't say it wasnt fun) and spending on a whole lot of other things, I finally decided on cricket bats for the guys(not boys) and a 500peice puzzle for the girls(they don't mind being called girls). The price was great and I was feeling pretty proud of my useful presents amoung the unnecessary items that the shop sold.

But then thinking again, I just realised I was teaching these kids to be sexist, by myself setting an example of differentiating between guys and girls. Who was I to judge that girls don't play cricket, or boys don't do puzzles. I myself grew up playing cricket with my bro, although I don't ever remember him doing puzzles. Arghhh now I wont rest in peace until I see the happy faces of both the girls and guys. My worst nightmare would be to see the girls ask for cricket bats. Man presents are the funnest and hardest things ever.

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