Life is a camera, Face it with a smile
A smile is like saying hello without any words.

Monday 31 December 2007

The US!

Ahh was I naive to think the US had no responsibility? Amma was saying, following Bhutto's death, that America's next invasion will be Pakistan in the name of 'peace'. I laughed it of thinking America has too much on its plate already. But now I realise America not putting there nose into everything, is as impossible as it being 40degrees on top of Mt. Everest. Ahh...I shouldv'e guessed it was through them, that Bhutto returned to Pakistan, and met her fate within 10weeks of her return. Some may claim it far fetched to blame America. But I'm anti - American. And time and time again, they have proved themselves to be the busybodies causing havoc! Vietnam war, Iraq and now this. America must soon realise the world does not revolve around them! Things only work when they come from within. Your average school child could tell you that. You can give them all the resources, but its not going to work without the interest coming from within. I still havn't made up my mind about Democracy in the East. And that's a another whole raging debate. But I know one thing! America's influence is surely a bad omen to achieving anything successful anywhere.

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